Monday, June 01, 2015

The Changing Carolina Coast: Managing The Threat Of Rising Water | WUNC

It's amazing but not surprising that there is no list of resources at the end of this piece. Are there any? Or was this just a few audio interviews woven together?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Daily Tar Heel :: WUNC buys Fayetteville radio station

And what does this do for WUNC? More ego-enhancement driven by egoistical contributors?

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Links, other material??

Why is it that WUNC does not provide a wide range of supplemental information on stories it reports only in audio form? For example, links to statistics on gun ownership in Orange County to go with the story on guns a couple of days ago, or the one today on NC Bar pass rates - e.g., a link to the State Bar? Audio is not the only medium, and some of us want to know more than the brief words spoken on air.